this is anthem creative co.

Since 2013, I've been helping small businesses look as good as the work they do. This is where I post tips, new work, studio news, and all things branding and design. Take a look around and don't forget to say "hi!". 

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Back from a little beach break

I spent the past few days in one of my favorite places in the world, Charleston, SC. I had the chance to spend some much needed family time with my little one and husband – reading a book not related to work, eating seafood, drinking margaritas and watching James run on the beach with wild abandon. In all, it was a pretty fabulous trip. People say when you travel with a small child, it’s not a vacation- it’s a trip. I agree. Five and a half hours in the car was enough to make me consider making one of those margaritas to go! 

While I was away I was still semi-working – returning emails, sketching, moodboarding, etc. One thought was repeating in my vacationing head. It was this: “This doesn’t feel like work!” Ding, ding, ding (that’s my jackpot alarm going off)! I kept thinking, “I love this. Thank you, universe.” 

I thought that going away for a few days would make me feel behind, stressed and unorganized. But it gave me some perspective, refreshed my mind and showed me what is truly important to me in my life – doing what I love with and for my little family. 

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