this is anthem creative co.

Since 2013, I've been helping small businesses look as good as the work they do. This is where I post tips, new work, studio news, and all things branding and design. Take a look around and don't forget to say "hi!". 

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Old school

Good Saturday morning! Just writing a quick post before I head to my calligraphy workshop with the amazingly talented Anne Elser this weekend! I have always wanted to learn more about handlettering and calligraphy besides my brief forays into it during school. A couple of months ago I saw that Anne was going to do a weekend long workshop and I signed up immediately. So…I get to play with ink all weekend! I am so in need of a centering creative outlet (also why I want to learn to knit) that doesn’t involve pixels or command Z. I will post my progress at the end of the weekend. 

Here’s to learning, getting messy and not being afraid to make a mistake (still working on that one)!

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