I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how to find the right clients. Sometimes it seems like other people are “lucky” when it comes to their client list. Big names, big budgets, big visibility. Do you ever feel that way looking at other people in your industry? It’s easy to play that game and ultimately feel exhausted and “less than” in the end. But I can tell you, those peers of yours are doing a TON of work behind the scenes to reach those perfect clients. They are getting their hands dirty. It might have taken them years to actually get in touch with one “right person”. In my opinion, it’s a combination of doing great work, being nice to people, targeting your work towards who you want MORE of, reaching out to people no matter how big or small and treating them all equally, some great social media skills, (did I mention doing good work), and lastly – having confidence in yourself and being real. People will notice. The RIGHT people will notice. It’s all the more reason to make sure you are reflecting your true self in your branding and business and not trying to follow the herd. Think about it – there are plenty of people trying to do the same thing, look the same and offer the same. But no one – NO ONE – can be you. This means your pond just got pretty small and you became the big fish. So jump in already!
As 2015 approaches, I am making changes to Grit & Wit. Yes, making my pond smaller. I’ll be accepting specific types of creative small business clients on a limited basis, with only 1 spot for each type of client every quarter. Having a diverse range of industries in my work keeps me inspired and creative. Also, it lets me intensely focus on each client. Stay tuned for the details! And if you want to inquire about one of these spots for 2015, drop me a line.
It’s going to be a great week. Now, let’s get to work!
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