Well, hello there! Welcome to 2015! Are you feeling excited? Worried? Ready? Blah? All of the above?
December was a strange, unpredictable month for me. I wanted to relax, but I couldn’t. I wanted to work, but I was burnt out. I wanted to not worry, but I did. You get the idea. Every time I sat down to map out some thoughts and goals for next year I felt overwhelmed. Some of this was due to the fact that I was only able to focus for small chunks of time due to my son’s school schedule and the holidays in general. Those small bits of time were devoted to my clients and I just didn’t carve out time for Grit & Wit like I had planned. I kept fantasizing about checking into a hotel for a weekend with my computer and working through all my ideas and dreams for 2015. Well…you and I know that isn’t going to happen.
This week will kick off my 2nd year of being totally self employed. It’s also the first week of the New Year (as you know). My husband is heading back to school this month for the next year. Oh…and I turned 35 a couple of days ago. Yep. How’s that for a time to reflect? Lots of new beginnings over here in Atlanta. Much of my time this month was spent worrying about the next year and that’s not very productive. I just started reading Amy Poehler’s new book Yes, Please (along with the rest of the world) and she talks about “the doing” and not fretting over “the doing”. She says, “The doing is the thing”. This resonated with me on so many levels – from work to weight loss. I think I need this painted on my wall. Or tattooed on my arm. Ok, not that. But for someone who deals with extreme anxiety about the future, I ALWAYS feel better whenI stop thinking and start doing. So, that’s the plan for 2015. Do. Instead of worrying about how things might work out, just start working it out.
Here are a few things I am doing for 2015 (deep breath….):
- Completely rebrand and redesign Grit & Wit
- Provide better content to my readers and newsletter subscribers
- Be more selective with my client list
- Refocus my packages and provide jam packed value for my clients
- Cut expenses
- Be better about staying organized
- Say no more often
- Say yes more often, too
- Learn more web development
- Find a great web developer to partner with
- Refine my client intake process
- Double my income (I am writing this because I need to make it real. I am also having shortness of breath :).
- Take care of myself more
- Make sure my clients are taken care of at all times
- Working with my hands even more than I did in 2014
- Be a kinder to myself
- Be a better mom, wife and boss (of myself – I can be pretty tough)
I know, it’s a tall order. It’s hard for me to list it all out. It also makes me accountable and hopefully inspires someone else to starting doing, too. I’d love to hear how you are going to kick 2015’s ass! Drop me a line here or leave a comment below.
Cheers to big things for everyone in 2015!
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