I want to talk about taking time to focus on your business. Seems like you are ALWAYS focusing, right? Always thinking about your process, clients, money, deadlines. But are you focused on the long term goals? I had to ask myself some tough questions recently in regards to Grit & Wit. I found that although the past year has been pretty damn great, it’s time to focus on where and what I want this business to be in the future. I have spent most of this past year keeping my head above water, challenging myself, getting new clients and new partners, just putting one foot in front of the other – marathon style. And it worked! I am still in the race, so to speak. At this pace, however, I am at risk of tiring out. I started to realize I had a big question mark on the horizon: Where is my finish line? What are my goals? I had to admit to myself that it was time to take stock of what is and isn’t working in my process, where I can improve, where I can adjust. It’s hard to look at your business like that. To see the pieces that aren’t quite fitting. I need to carve out time to focus on those pieces and examine the weak spots. It isn’t fun sometimes, but having an “ignorance is bliss attitude” towards your business will eventually catch up with you. So, this March I am working on my business just as much as I am working on my clients’. Ok, that’s a tall order, but I am going to start treating my business like a client. That means finally scheduling a photo shoot and video shoot (yikes), carving out time to redesign my site, repackaging my services and tending to my blog posts and newsletters a little better. It’s a shame that when business is going well, it’s easy to let your business go a bit. I challenge you to find a way to treat yourself like a client. Schedule some time and make a task list. Make an actual job folder or project name for your “business tending tasks”. Just a little insight into my goals for the next few months. I can’t wait to show you how it all turns out in a few months!
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